We are Porsche Club of America – San Diego Region (PCA-SDR). Our region currently boasts over 3,100 total members locally and we are one of the most active regions in the country, holding several events per month including monthly social get-togethers, tours, autocross, time trials, driver’s education, concours, wine tasting, tech sessions, rallies and more! Whether you drive a 944, Macan, 911 GT3, Taycan or any model in between you gain a great deal more enjoyment from your Porsche by being a part of PCA-SDR.
Before San Diego Region became a PCA region, a few national Porsche Club members and enthusiasts got together in San Diego - the year was 1957 - and had some impromptu events. Later that same year, on December 26, 1957, San Diego became a chartered Region of the Porsche Club of America. The first meeting was put together by Paul Madigan at the Golden Lion restaurant with just ten members.
San Diego is a city on the coast of California known for its beaches, parks and warm climate. San Diego is also home to one of the largest regions in the Porsche Club of America! Read about our Region’s rich history and volunteers by clicking on the links >>
San Diego became a chartered region of PCA on December 26th, 1957
By John Straub, Region HistorianBefore San Diego Region became a Region, a few National Porsche Club members and enthusiasts got together here in San Diego and had some impromptu events. The year was 1957. Later that same year they were to get together and decide to join the Porsche Club of America as a Region. The first meeting was put together by Paul Madigan at the Golden Lion restaurant with ten members.
The following information was acquired from Bea Cole, Jim Douthit and Jack Case. This is how it happened.
The first letter is dated November 14, 1957 addressed to Bill Sholar (the creator of the PCA) in Alexandria, Virginia. It was from Paul Madigan here in San Diego.
Dear Mr. Sholar,
The undersigned, all active members in good standing of the Porsche Club of America, herewith petition for recognition as a Chartered Region of the Porsche Club of America.
Our activities to date include two dinner meetings, three runs (two to Mexico and one to Mt. Palomar), and two trips to the races at Palm Springs and Riverside, California.
The temporary officers are John Bowman President, Wally Schmidt Secretary and William Zongker Activities Chairman. If chrtered, we agree individually and as a region to abide by the Bylaws and Policies of the Porsche Club of America.
The name of the region will be “Porsche Club of America, San Diego Region.” The Region will include the county of San Diego in the state of California.
It is understood that within sixty days from the date of this letter we will submit our slate of officers and a copy of our Constitution and Bylaws.
Very truly yours,
Paul Madigan
Ten members in good standing in San Diego County are:
Paul D. Madigan
William L. Zonghker
Robert E. Kollmar
Keith Ewton
Paul F. Veal
William Schaffer
Wally Schmidt
Robert C. Thacker
John Bowman
Doug StephensThese are the original charter members of San Diego Region.
The second letter is dated January 21, 1958 addressed to John Case (Jack as we know him was a National Vice-President here on the West Coast living in Los Angeles). From Max Bunnel, President, National PCA.
Dear John,
Re: Executive Committee approval of request for chartered regions. We have received request from the San Diego Region and the Chicago-Milwaukee Region for recognition as chartered regions.
At the moment, Bill Sholar has the San Diego petition which he assured me is proper, and I have reviewed and find all information in proper form.
In as much as the Executive Committee must pass approval for new charters, I would appreciate your comments if not in favor of granting these charters. In other words, to expedite their being published in Panorama.
Yours truly,
Max Bunnel
And the third letter dated February 25, 1958 was addressed back to Paul Madigan in San Diego from Bill Sholar and cc-ed to John Case.
Dear Paul,
The petition for charter you forwarded to Bill Sholar has been presented to the Executive Council for their consideration and it is with considerable pleasure that I advise you the charter for San Diego Region of the P.C.A. has been approved. I want to wish you the best of luck in your future programs and activities.
In as much as the petition itself is not in my possession, could you advise me the boundaries of your region. Does it include Los Angeles? Would also appreciate your comments as to why or why not you have made the boundaries as they are.
By copy of this letter to John Case, I want to thank John for his contacts with you in the past. I am sure that John will do everything he can to help you with your planning or with regards to the P.C.A. from a national standpoint.
If I can do anything to assist you, do not hesitate to let me know.
Bill Scholar
As you can see, John Bowman was President on December 26, 1957, on the date and year our Region was Chartered. Paul Madigan then became President the following year for the first full year we were chartered as a Region to the Porsche Club of America. At that time we had no “Windblown Witness” or newsletter, events were publicized by word of mouth or by post cards.
The “Windblown Witness” would not be started until 1961. The name of the region newsletter came from the fact that the cars were air cooled, “Windblown” and “Witness” referred to getting information out to the members. The first issues were typed, two to three pages, and were run off as copies. Most of the information was about events or tech information, since we had no advertisers in the Windblown Witness at that time. This was a time of change in the club. The members could communicate via a newsletter rather than by phone.
In the first eight years of SDR our Presidents were; John Bowman 1957, Paul Madigan 1958, Keith Ewton 1959, Roger Thompson/Paul Madigan 1960, Rowland Johnson 1961, Wally Cole 1962, Keith Ewton 1963, Jack Rober 1964, Tom Hauseur Sr. 1965. Our Windblown Witness editors were Rowland Johnson, Jerry & Dawn Lehrer 1961, Wally Cole 1962/63, Keith Ewton 1964, and George LaDam in 1965.
Some of our early events were Progressive Dinners, Tech Sessions, Tours, Rallys, Concours, Election Dinners, Installation Dinner, Weekenders, Auto Crosses at Del Mar and Mission Valley, high speed driving events that started in 1962 in Brawley.
2025 Valerie Hanke
2024 Eric Marc-Aurele
2023 Tom Brown
2022 Anastasia Berta
2021 Tom Brown
2020 Keith Verlaque
2019 Victoria Varon
2018 Tom Gould
2017 Karen Garcia Raines
2016 Dan Carusillo
2015 Keith Verlaque
2014 Jim Binford
2013 Bev Gould
2012 Greg Phillips
2011 Carl Scragg
2010 Curt Yaws
2009 Dave Gardner
2008 Martha McGowan
2007 Ted Myrus
2006 Margi Knight
2005 Michael Harris
2004 Bill Allen
2003 Tom Brown
2002 Ron Mistak
2001 Rich Caccese
2000 John Straub
1999 Keith Verlaque
1998 Bill Smith
1997 Roger Roberts
1996 Skip Carter
1995 Jerry Beauchane
1994 Jim Rydbeck
1993 Al Schlegel
1992 Steve Hall
1991 Bob Lemke
1990 Tom Hauseur Jr.
1989 Art Wrightson
1988 Paul Young Sr.
1987 Nancy Rydbeck
1986 Bill Myrick
1985 Keith Nelson
1984 Carol Muir
1983 Slim Durham
1982 Margie Smith-Haas
1981 Tom Hauseur Sr.
1980 John Straub
1979 Art Wrightson
1978 Tom Van Zant
1977 George Thwing III
1976 Bea Cole
1975 Tom Hauseur Jr.
1974 Ralph Hurty
1973 Dieter Vongehr
1972 Ernie Paschoal
1971 Joe Ramos Jr.
1970 George Thwing III
1969 Dave Carsten
1968 Gordon Bartow Jr.
1967 Dick Barbour
1966 George LaDam
1965 Tom Hauseur Sr.
1964 Jack Rober
1963 Keith Ewton
1962 Wally Cole
1961 Rowland Johnson
1960 Maj. Roger B. Thompson, Paul Madigan
1959 Keith Ewton
1958 Paul Madigan
1957 John Bowman -
2025 Susan Brown
2024 Susan Brown
2023 Susan Brown
2022 Susan Brown
2021 Susan Brown
2020 Susan Brown
2019 Susan Brown
2018 Susan Brown
2017 Greg Phillips
2016 Greg Phillips
2015 John Noerenberg II, Greg Phillips
2014 Susan Brown
2013 Susan Brown
2012 Jim Mazzola
2011 Susan Brown
2010 Susan Brown
2009 Susan Brown
2008 Susan Brown, Margi Knight, Larry Clark
2007 Greg Phillips, Larry Clark
2006 Greg Phillips
2005 Greg Phillips
2004 Greg Phillips
2003 Greg Phillips, Jim Bohorquez
2002 Skip Carter, Jim Bohorquez, Greg Phillips
2001 Skip Carter, Harvey Cain
2000 Skip Carter
1999 Skip Carter
1998 Skip Carter
1997 Skip Carter, Pete Albrecht
1996 Skip Carter
1995 Howard & Lois Wasserman
1994 Howard & Lois Wasserman
1993 Royce Ann Higgins
1992 Debi Norris, Royce Ann Higgins
1991 Debi Norris
1990 Monique Straub
1989 Louie Butler, Borden Covel, Randy & Margaret Mardis, Monique Straub
1988 Fred Fraley
1987 Fred Fraley
1986 Robbin Herring
1985 John Straub
1984 John & Denise Straub
1983 John & Denise Straub
1982 John & Denise Straub
1981 John & Denise Straub
1980 Grace & Tom Hauser Jr.
1979 Hal Nash, Grace & Tom Hauser Jr.
1978 Hal Nash
1977 Ivan Richmond
1976 Bill Haggerty
1975 Bill Haggerty
1974 Ernie Paschoal
1973 Ernie & Carol Paschoal
1972 Judy & Cliff Berryman
1971 Bea Cole, Judy & Cliff Berryman
1970 Dave Carsten, Wally Cole, Joe Ramos Jr., George Berryman
1969 Jerry Robinson, Dave Carsten
1968 Charles King
1967 Charles King
1966 George LaDam
1965 George LaDam
1964 Keith Ewton
1963 Wally Cole
1962 Wally Cole
1961 Roland Johnson, Jerry & Dawn Lehrer -
First a little about Bill Myrick
Bill Myrick worked for McDonnell-Douglas and was sent to Vietnam in support of the company’s military aircraft in use during the war years. It was while Bill was stationed there that he began his love affair with Porsche cars. He had always wanted to own a sports car. But he wanted a sports car with 4 seats so he could go on double dates with his soon to be teenage daughter, Terrie. The Porsche 911 was the one sports car that met his requirement of 4 seats.
During the 5 years he was in Vietnam he received combat pay which he put into a special car fund. In 1970, while still stationed in Vietnam, he ordered his Porsche 911 and paid $6,400 for it. When asked what was so special about the Porsche that attracted him to that particular car, he answered, “It was the ability to maneuver.”
Upon returning from Vietnam, Bill and his wife traveled from the West Coast to Florida to visit his mom, then up to New York where he picked up his 911 from the docks. He was worried about breaking his new car in on the long trip back across the US. He drove very cautiously at first but about mid-way in the trip home he read in the owner’s manual that he could take it up to 4,000 RPM (about 70 to 80 miles per hour), it was then that he (as he said it) “put the hammer down.” He stopped long enough in Iowa to replace the oil and transmission fluid.
Bill never sold that 911, though he had to put his car in storage while he was the base manager at Clark Air Force base in the Philippines from 1972 to 1980, much to his displeasure. Upon his return to San Diego he was on the road again.
In April of 1980 Bill joined the Porsche Club of America, San Diego Region where he remained active until his passing. He served as President, Vice-president, Treasurer, Board Member and driving instructor as well as working on many different committees.
One quality about Bill that was extra special was his ability to get along with people. He loved people and had friends all over the world. Bill was the type of person who would literally do anything for his friends. He was always there to help. He was the kind of friend everyone needs.
This quality in Bill was exemplified in his infectious enthusiasm for the Porsche Club and its members. Bill welcomed and befriended new members and was always there to lend a helping hand. If it needed to be done, you could count on Bill to get it done. In memoriam after his death in late 1999, the Enthusiast of the Year award was named in his honor so that this special man and his never ending contributions to PCASDR would never be forgotten.
Bill Myrick Enthusiast of the Year
2023 Jason McClure, Richard Trang
2022 Paul & Sandy Asquini
2021 Bill Behun
2019 Lana Gill
2018 Steve Eisler
2017 Eric & Krishelle Marc-Aurele
2016 Martha McGowan
2015 Mark Curran
2014 Bev Gould
2013 Victoria Varon
2012 Robert Baizer, Jack Miller
2011 Angela Avitt
2010 John Straub
2009 Tom Brown
2008 Steve Grosekemper
2007 Keith Verlaque
2006 Bob McLaughlin
2005 Gary Burch
2004 Larry & Mary Clark
2003 Dan Chambers
2002 Greg Phillips
2001 Bill Smith
2000 Marlee Shaw
1999 Skip Carter
1998 Bob Schang
1997 Susan Brown, Keith Verlaque
1996 Bob & Diana Schang
1995 Steve Hall
1994 Paul Young
1993 Bill Myrick
1992 Chrissy Roberts
1991 Susan Tracy-Dente
1990 Bob Lemke
1989 Bill Bogusch
1988 Vince & Cecelia Knauf
1987 Steve Hall
1984 John Straub
1982 Margie Smith-Haas
1975 Bill Bartee
1974 Ralph Hurty, John Straub -
Pat Scanlan joined PCA in 1968 and “Concoursing” became his passion. He restored and competed in Zone 8 and Parade Concours with no less than 7 different cars winning award after award, many overall. However, what made Pat different was that he would spend his time at a Concours helping others, even competitors that were in his class (prior to judging!). In addition to being a Board member, he was the Concours Chair for San Diego Region numerous times. He also hosted numerous Concours schools over the years to teach people about the sport. There is no denying that he was one of the region’s most enthusiastic Concours Participants. Over the years Pat owned a 356 (which he picked up new in Europe), a 1968 911L, a 914, a 356 Speedster, a 964, a 911 Speedster and lastly a 996.
Long time member John Straub recalls that some of the best times he had with Pat where when the two of them spent two years on the Alan Johnson Racing Team, traveling to races up and down the west coast and to Atlanta for the finals. “Pat was always there with his creativity and ingenious way of fabricating what they needed to win. Without Pat I’m sure our team would not have been the family that it was.” Alan Johnson states that “he was never late, he worked non-stop, had some good ideas for reconfiguring the front end of the 944 for better cooling of the front brakes and the car always looked like it was ready for a car show. And everybody loved having him on the team.”
His love for PCA and the San Diego Region carried through his life. When he passed away in 2007 he left $5,000 from his estate to PCASDR to be used for promoting events such as Concours. The Region dedicated the perpetual “Pat Scanlan Award” to be given to the San Diego Region member with the highest overall score in the Full Concours division at the annual region Concours to help promote and encourage Concours activities.
Pat’s note to the Club that was included with his will:
Dear Club members:
PCASDR has been a source of fond memories and experiences for many years. As a token of my appreciation I wish to present PCASDR with this check to be used for the Club’s activities. For my good friends still belonging to the group may I bid them a fond farewell and to the newer members may I wish you the good times and the lovely purr of those Porsche Engines.
Pat Scanlan Award
2024 Tom Costello, 1969 911
2023 James Kreifeldt, 1962 356
2019. Craig Goodman, 1972 911S
2018 Bill Ceno, 1973 911RS
2017 David Walker, 1970 914/6
2016 Bruce and Cindy Wing, 1997 911 Coupe
2015 Chris Miller, 1965 356 Coupe
2014 Tom and Bev Gould, 1970 911E
2013 David Walker, 1970 914/6
2012 Skip and Leslie Shirley, 1963 356 Coupe
2011 Dale and Lorena Sommerfeld, 2007 911 Twin Turbo
2010 George and Sibet Alspugh, 1956 356 Speedster
2009 Skip and Leslie Shirley, 1962 356 Coupe -
Ferry Porsche National Region of the Year award
1999Lazar-Blanchard National Enthusiast of the Year award
2007 Bob McLaughlin
2006 Greg Phillips
2004 Tom Brown
1988 Nancy RydbeckNational Family of the Year award
2005 Paul, Ruth and Paul Jr. Young
2004 Jill, Bob, and Jack Beck
2000 Skip, Peggy, Connie & Leigh CarterNational Zone Representative’s Award of Merit
2017 Tom BrownNational Public Service award
2002Paul Heinmiller National Best Overall Newsletter award
2006 Jill Beck
2002 Harvey Cain
2001 Skip Carter
2000 Skip Carter
1995 Howard & Lois Wasserman
1991 Monique Straub
1986 John Straub & Robin Herring
1985 John Straub
1982 John StraubNational Website award
2017 Greg Bartley
2016 Greg Bartley
2012 Marc Riesenberg
2010 Tom Brown
2009 Jill Beck
2008 Jill Beck
2007 Jill Beck
2007 Bill Ibbetson
2002 Gary SamadZone 8 Region of Year award
1987National Membership awards
2004 Greatest Actual Growth

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