Windblown Witness
Windblown Witness is our region’s award-winning newsletter (magazine, really) produced quarterly for our region members. Susan Brown, Editor.
Windblown Witness Archive
Classified Ads
Classified ads can be placed utilizing The Mart, PCA National’s online marketplace for advertising Porsche cars, parts, and items. By posting in The Mart, sellers reach a large audience of Porsche enthusiasts and buyers get the peace of mind of purchasing items owned and maintained by club members. The Mart can be sorted and searched by PCA Region to make shopping and selling near you easier.
Newsletter Submissions
Members are encouraged to contribute to the PCASDR newsletter, the Windblown Witness. Content can include (but is not limited to) Porsche related photos, events, articles and experiences.
The preferred submission format for text is a Word document or plain text. All photos, logos and other graphics should be provided in their native format (JPG, TIF, EPS, PDF, etc.). Other file formats are considered on a case-by-case basis.
Please send files to We reserve the right to edit or refuse to print any content. Deadline for submitting new articles is the 15th of the month preceding the issue date. This is a target date, and does not guarantee your submission will appear in the following month’s issue. Consideration is given to the item’s content, size and available space. Windblown Witness is distributed quarterly in February, May, August and November.
If you have additional questions, please contact the editor at for more information.
Newsletter Advertising
For display advertising contracts and billing information, please contact our newsletter advertising team at We prefer that materials be submitted in .JPG or .PDF formats. Deadline for submitting new ads or changing existing ads is the 15th of the month preceding the issue date. Windblown Witness is distributed quarterly in February, May, August and November.
All rates are quoted per quarter with a minimum commitment of two quarters. Ads may be prepaid or automatically billed to credit cards.
Full Page ( 8½ x 11”) - $250 quarterly
Half Page (7 x 4½”) - $165 quarterly
Quarter Page (3½ x 4¾”) - $100 quarterly
Eighth Page ( 3½ x 2¼”) - $75 quarterly
Key Position (Cover) - $400 quarterly
Sizes are strictly maintained. Bleeds are available only on full or half-page ads.